There is this thing about me doing things on my will but not by force. Silly example, I don’t like to be forced to wake up early, like my mom or sister telling me you should wake up early tomorrow. If I am told to set the alarm, I’m going to wake up every hour thinking ‘It’s time! It’s time!’ and lose my sleep and it continues to be a mad morning. Usually, I burst out showing my irritation, and make others upset too. To note, this behavior of mine happens only at home, so I am safer. However upsetting my family is not a healthy way at all. It takes the time to get back to a better environment after the mess I make. Today I stayed silent. Silence is what saved me today from an outburst or a bad repercussion. Even my family was fine, though they might not have noticed that I stayed silent and not disturbed them with my annoyance, I felt happy inside.

This is not the first instance, I have been trying to practice this for quite some time by staying silent when I’m mad or bad mood. Some days I could stay silent and some days I forget about it and get in a bad mood. I will get there soon 🙂

Where else did this silence help me? Okay, let me go through that.

  • The silence between the gaps while talking to others, allows me to digest what I said and discover what I want to say next at that moment. Trust me, this allowed me to emerge from the unknown into self-finding.
  • Staying silent while others are talking, enabled be to be a better active listener. It helps me to absorb what the person is saying and understand it better.
  • While doing meditation, I understand the power of silence. I discover myself. The silence offers me personal growth. It heals me.
  • When someone close to me gives a sarcastic statement hurting my feelings especially when they are in bad mood, I simply stay silent. Because, counter talk is not going to help the other person or me instead it leads the way to a bad relationship.
  • If someone is bitching about another person whom I know, I stay silent. This gives a hint to the other person not to do that again or at least they will get to know that I am not interested. It’s not a good habit to talk badly about others in their absence. If you stay silent, you are not encouraging that bad habit. Isn’t it good?
  • Once I have finished with my opinion or proposal, I shut up, so that I don’t distract the other person from what they want to say. It applies to your business world too, once you finished with your thoughts in a meeting allow others to speak, stay silent, note down your thoughts.
  • Silence is also a way of communication. Sometimes I have used silence to express what I think.

Silence is a communication from the outer to the inner. Your concentration power increases and you could focus consistently. You could stay out of trouble. It is not just about peace or calm, it is the power your possess. There is so much about silence, hold on to this powerful weapon, you will discover more and more about yourself.

Closing with powerful quotes:

Work hard in Silence, Let success be your noise – Frank Ocean

Nothing strengthens authority so much as Silence – Leonardo Da Vinci

The word LISTEN contains the same letters as the word SILENT– Alfred Brendel

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